573-384-5855 Please also see company directory below. Hours of Operation Receiving hours:Shipping hours:Office hours: 6:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mon. – Fri.Mon. – Fri.Mon. – Fri. Facebook Linkedin Request Information Office and Plant Location 2441 Hwy 61 N Troy, MO 63379 Company Directory Jon Ohmes, CEOOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell# 573-544-1038jono@championprecast.com Brian Leitman, Plant ManagerOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell #636-358-8421brianl@championprecast.com Dave Haas, Regional Sales ManagerOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell# 314-614-0174daveh@championprecast.com Joel Anderson, Regional Sales ManagerOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell# 314-614-0175joela@championprecast.com Aaron Bockhorst, Regional Sales ManagerOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell# 636-235-2749aaronb@championprecast.com Drew Grimes, Production CoordinatorOffice Ph. 573-384-5855drewg@championprecast.com Kenny Burr, Product ManagerOffice Ph: 573-384-5855Kennyb@championprecast.com Michael Gamble, Product ManagerOffice Ph: 573-384-5855Michaelg@championprecast.com Joseph Patton, Product ManagerOffice Ph: 573-384-5855josephp@championprecast.com Diana Leech, Office ManagerOffice Ph. 573-384-5855dianal@championprecast.com Kimberly Donnelly, Office Assistant Office Ph. 573-384-5855 kimberlyd@championprecast.com Dana Horstmeier, DispatcherOffice Ph. 573-384-5855, Cell# 314-713-5670danah@championprecast.com Dave Mahaney, Human Resources ManagerOffice Ph: 573-384-5855davem@championprecast.com